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Be a good corporate citizen through responsible IT strategies

Be a good corporate citizen through responsible IT strategies
September 16, 2024

CSR strategies for making the IT sector more responsible

In the face of the effects of climate change, the IT sector is obligated to reduce its environmental footprint through ethical business practices. Among the Corporate Social Responsibility strategies that software publishers, digital services providers, and hosting companies can adopt are telecommuting, careful management of data centers, migration to the cloud, responsible IT hardware management, use of eco-responsible technologies, and implementation of regenerative initiatives. Here are some sustainable business best practices, specific to the IT sector, to implement social responsibility initiatives, from Christelle Betrong, the Recruitment, Employer Branding, and Professional Development Manager at Bonitasoft. 

One of the first actions companies can take to significantly reduce their environmental impact is to shift to telecommuting. The emergence of remote work during the Covid pandemic really showed the way to successful wide workforce distribution. Since 2020, some companies have chosen 100% remote work to achieve a notable effect in their carbon footprint reduction. By eliminating daily commutes to the office, these companies meet their employees' needs for work-life balance while lessening their environmental impact.

Of course, even with a 100% telecommuting policy, some travel remains unavoidable - for meetings with clients or industry events, for example. Companies can update their travel policies to encourage train travel for domestic trips, promote carpooling, bike usage, and favor the rental of electric or hybrid cars. Internal events should be organized locally whenever possible to reduce the carbon footprint associated with distance travel.

Responsible data center management and cloud migration

A significant challenge for companies in the IT sector lies in managing data centers, which are known to consume substantial amounts of energy. Transitioning to cloud services can help alleviate this impact. Certain providers offer cloud computing solutions designed for energy efficiency, utilizing renewable energy sources to cool their data centers or repurposing heat from their systems for heating elsewhere. This reduces energy consumption and minimizes carbon emissions associated with the company's operations. It’s also a good idea to ask about the PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) of data centers. This gives some good information about their energy performance.

Advocating for eco-responsible technologies

Software publishers, integrators, and digital service providers can take proactive steps by promoting the use of eco-friendly technologies, such as energy-efficient artificial intelligence or software that facilitates improved resource management. By embedding sustainable practices into the development (green design) of their products and services, they contribute to a more responsible IT sector through corporate sustainability and help reduce the ecological impact of their clients.

Establishing a responsible procurement policy for IT equipment

Implementing a responsible procurement policy for IT equipment means prioritizing suppliers who adhere to stringent environmental standards and provide durable and recyclable products. Companies can pledge to purchase eco-certified equipment to reduce their overall ecological footprint. Procurement policy should also advocate for the acquisition of modular and easily repairable equipment to extend equipment lifespan and minimize electronic waste.

The reuse and recycling of IT equipment are important components of a strategy aimed at reducing carbon footprint.  Company management should be setting ambitious goals for recycling and waste management. There are today many businesses, often local, who specialize in recovering, reusing, or recycling central processing units and other equipment to give them a second life.

Regenerative efforts to offset carbon emissions

IT firms can also counterbalance their carbon emissions through regenerative efforts. For example, Bonitasoft has a partnership with Reforest’Action, which plants trees for every successful initiative undertaken by the company. Efforts like this help offset carbon emissions,  but they also raise awareness among employees and the broader community about the significance of environmental stewardship.
The environmental responsibility of companies should not be limited to a series of individual initiatives. It should be deeply ingrained in the corporate culture and values, centered around clear and measurable objectives. By adopting responsible practices and fostering the use of sustainable technologies through sustainable development goals, companies can use their eco-friendly practices to demonstrate dedication to a sustainable future, mitigate their ecological impact, and address the growing expectations of employees, customers, and the community in which they should be a “good neighbor.”

Read the annual CSR report from Bonitasoft!

Bonitasoft’s corporate values and the values of its employees have contributed to its status as a Great Place To Work. The company takes its corporate social responsibility seriously!

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